The Christmas holiday season promises magical moments, from twinkling lights to festive treats and cherished time with loved ones. Yet, in the whirlwind of balancing  year-end work demands, hunting for the perfect gifts, preparing meals, and striving to meet expectations, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and stressed during this supposedly joyous time.

Amidst the hustle and bustle, take some time to pause and consider what you need to find joy this holiday season. How can you weave self-care into your holidays, especially if your energy levels feel depleted and family commitments dominate your schedule?

This year, I suggest a practice that I think we could all benefit from: giving ourselves a holiday gift. While gift-giving is traditionally meant for others, the truth is that we can’t pour from an empty cup. Before we can radiate holiday cheer to our loved ones, we must first nourish our own spirits. The time has come to prioritise a little self-indulgence!

The December Challenge: A Gift Just for You

In addition to the presents carefully chosen for family and friends, consider buying one gift solely for you. Opt for something that aligns with your self-care goals for the upcoming year. Here are a few ideas to spark inspiration:

Moments of Joy: Treat yourself to instant joy with a bouquet of fresh flowers, tickets to a show, or ingredients for baking your favourite holiday treat.

Health and Wellness: Invest in your health and well-being with a gym membership, a digital fitness tracker, or a relaxing massage.

Quality Time for Yourself: Embrace a gift that grants you precious time alone, whether it’s a day spa, a weekend getaway, or a new novel that you can escape into.

Efficiency Enhancers: Choose a practical gift that brings ease or efficiency to your daily life, such as a robot vacuum, a productivity planner, or a meal delivery service.

Most importantly, gift yourself grace – permission to be perfectly imperfect. Let go of self-blame and unrealistic expectations. Instead, practice self-compassion through little acts of everyday self-care. Studies show this builds resilience, boosting mental strength to better handle stress.

This holiday season, spread the cheer not just to loved ones, but to yourself. Trust me, it’s the gift that keeps on giving!


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Wishing you an enjoyable festive season and a year ahead filled with balance, well-being, and abundant happiness.

Linley Watson


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